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                                                   Newsletter - Fall 2012

now operating

sponsors of our
teens in college
Schools lit with 
Solar Power
of our main programs

Greetings from Guatemala and all of us at the Integral Heart Foundation. 2012 is being a great year of
growth for us with the new kindergarten opened in June and two large solar installations thus far.
We are most grateful to you all! Debora, Mick, Liz, Reinhard, and all the team at IHF.
Our First Board Meeting

On September 10, 2012 we held our first board meeting.
We all connected for over an hour and a half without a glitch.
Our staff members, Liz Flinn, Sponsor Liaison and Reinhard
Prosch, Business Operations Manager gave their reports on
the Sponsorship, Kindergarten, and College Teens programs.
Debora Prieto, co-founder, updated the board on the current
state of Integral Education Program and Mick Quinn, co-
founder, had the latest news on our finances, cash reserves,
and projections for the rest of this year (see details below).
We are most grateful to our board for their stellar support
of our work!
Meet the board

As Joey from Friends used to say; Hi you doin'!?
Our answer is GREAT! So far this year our donations have
increased by 50% over the entirety last year. We are quite
happy with this development. With projected revenues
from our dedicated supporters and planned events for the
rest of this year we are expecting about a $21,000 shortfall
in our overall goal for 2012. Now, considering the growth
we have seen, this might not sound like much, but this
amount is critical, especially in three key areas; College
Teens and Sponsorship Program and Integral Curriculum
Development. To help close the gap.
See how here

The Magic of Sponsorship
One of the roles of our Sponsor Liaison, Liz Flinn, is to foster
a heart-to-heart relationship between our children and our
sponsors. Here is just one shining example of this; between
Jessica Roemischer and her sponsor child Katy, seen here
during a video-skype with Jessica, who said; "I had a wonderful
with Katy yesterday. She's starting to look like a young
woman!  She is
doing better in school – she passed all but one
course this last term. She looked happy and was very happy that
her mom was with
her now and that they were both there on
the call. Liz is doing a great job helping me with translation
arranging these sessions!!! Thanks so much for making
wonderful relationship possible. "

You can also sponsor a child

Building a Brighter Future - Update!!
In April 2012, helped us reach our goal
of raising over $12,000 so that we could open a second
kindergarten location quite near our home to benefit
local children who are in need of nutrition, love and play.

Our second kindergarten, in Jardins d'Antigua opened in
July of this year. The solar installation, thanks to MarySue
Hansell and A Better World on Facebook, was also installed
at that time by our trusted local suppliers, Quetsol.

Read more about the GlobalGiving effort here

Our great thanks to Chris and Elizabeth!

Christopher Porto and Elizabeth Schorn rode 300 miles as
part of the Climate Ride 2012 Fundraiser to support the
expansion of our solar light program. Known as Project
, this initiative raised over $5,800 to help us deploy
solar powered lighting in both homes and schools. In
partnership with Sun Power Foundation and One Million
Lights, Project Aurora will use donations received to
source and install solar systems for those facing energy
poverty in the hopes of enabling young minds to create
a cleaner and brighter future for us all.

Congratulations and thanks from all of us at IHF!!!

Fundraising Trip - Los Angeles & Seattle...
Come learn about our work!

Both Mick and Debora will be doing in-person events
on the West Coast early next year!!

February 17th, 2013 - Los Angeles, California
February.... 2013 - Seattle, Washington

Stay tuned for details....

We cannot do this without you
Select a monthly donation you are comfortable with and click the 'NEXT' button.
Or, you can enter your own one-time donation.
Sponsors a
child in our
Program for
daily food
bath and fun.
Sponsors a child
to go to high-school
and to receive a
monthly food/
protein basket
for their family.
Sponsors a
teen to attend
college and to
receive a
monthly family
food basket.
Sponsor 3 children
to go to school or
3 tots to attend our
Kindergarten for
one month.

Thank you for investing in our programs!!!

Aaron S, Adam R, Ambika T, Ana Isabel, Anna L, Allison M, Ann G, AndreN, Armin,
Anaite A, Annette G, Arni V, Beth T, Bart O, Barbara S, Brad & Patty, Brenda I,
Christine B, Chis C, Christian, Claudia A, Daniele W, Danielle and Family, Dan &
Kamie, Dennis S, Dianne, David R, Eva & Matt, Edwin B, Elisa, Ellen and Ryan S,
Eva V, Kyozen Sensei, Elaine, Franz, George, Gregor, Gina, H.B., Stacy M,
Haggart Family, Helena & Integral Edinburgh, Holly & Grace, Irene B, Ingrid M,
Iris F, Jeff C, Jim & Cindy, Jacky, Joseph & Andrea S, Jennifer C, Jenny, Tyler and
Friends, Jordan H, Joyce C, Jessica, Joanna & Canberra Integral, Jade G, Jon &
Nicole, Kamala, Kenneth, Kay, Kate F & Jim, Kevin & Sam, Kristina B, Jennifer,
Jethro & Sima, Jose Javier A, Jeff & Mariana, JC, Judy & Dannica, Jyoti S, Kristina,
Kelly & Bob, Keith & Karen, Lee W, Leap Foundation, Lida O, Linda S, Lisa T, Laurel
J, Luisa, Linus R, Laurel S, Loring P, Lynda St. D, MarySue, Marcos C, Martin, Maria
B, Maria IDC, Maria IS, Matt B, Maura C, Mauricio Z, Malena, Marc & Ilana,
Marguerite L, Mikey, Mike D & Kathy, Michael L, Michael & Michelle, Magali,
Margaret G, Maura C, Mary H, Marsha, Norah, Neil, Oliver R, Osiris & Nina,
Patrick, Paul, Pam, Patricia F, Paddy E, MIS Technology, Stuart, William, Natalie
(and the Worthington cluster), Oscar P, Ruth C, Rich L, Rachel I, Reina & Aiden,
Richard S, Robert F, Sally C, Sandra P, Sharon, Shanna, Shelley S, Sean W,
Stephanie Y, Stephanie H & James, Sima S, Silvia R, Seamus & Addy, Sulamita
M, Tanya H, Vegar & Christy, Ted & Boston Integral, Victoria S, Yvonne K, Yee H.

We are most grateful!!

Debora, Mick, Liz, Reinhard, Marisol & Lizeth.

The Integral Heart Foundation - U.S. Registered 501(c) 3 Non-Profit organization. See our non-profit status documents here.

Integral Heart Foundation
1649 Blaine Avenue, Salt Lake City, UT 84105
Phone: 801 783 5207

In Guatemala:
Lote 37G, San Pedro el Panorama, Antigua Guatemala
Phone: (502) 5367 5558

Email: @
