BAC Bank Guatemala

Note: For security reasons
we do not publish our
full account number.

Please contact us directly
for that information.

BAC Bank Guatemala
Account # 901 xxx xxx
BAC Antigua (Parque Central)
Name; Asociacion Corazon Integral  
NIT: 8015 519-6.

Address: 169 Miracle R-10 Coral Gables, Florida
Swift Code: BFLBUS3M
Acct name: Banco de America Central SA
Account number: 030 861600

Receiving Account name: Asociacion Corazon Integral
Receiving Account number: 901 xxx xxx
BAC Antigua (Parque Central)

By Walk-in Deposit
You can walk into any BAC branch
to make a deposit in the name of Asociacion Corazon Integral.

As soon as we receive notice of your donation we will be
in touch with you to confirm receipt. Thank you!

The Integral Heart Foundation is a U.S. Registered 501(c)3 non-profit.